So Week 20 started Monday! So far things are moving along quite well and very quickly it seems. I can’t believe there are only 4.5 months left and Baby A will be here.
Some things I’ve been up to lately: crocheting hats, open top mittens, sewing and working parttime at the local diner still. This summer is just starting and seems to be cooperating nicely. We’ve had some rain and lots of sun. The plants in the garden seem to get bigger with every day. I noticed some strawberries forming their speckle green buds the other day and they seem to have gotten bigger over nite!! The lettuce I bought as little plants are already producing large leaves that we have been picking every few days and adding to our dinners in some fashion.
Last night we had tacos!! I will have to put together a quicky recipe on my cooking page if I have a moment today. While enjoying our dinner we also watched the new Alice in Wonderland. I enjoyed it and I think J did too.
J is also enjoying his latest present from me, a cotton sun hat with ventilation around the upper section. I also made a hat for myself with little hippo ears that J recommended. For my sisters S & G I made open top mittens for the winter, I also made a pair for J and myself. I’ve decided not to do farmers market this year, since we have so much going on. I can’t seem to find the time to make things to sell and get all the rest of my stuff done. Work has been going well I think, I like the girls I work with and the owner is also very friendly. I think she keeps the place open until the end of August. That will work out really well since it will give me a month and a half to prepare for birth (give or take). Well thats all the update I have for now.